I thought I was reaching the top of the ladder, that I was getting somewhere. Now, I realise that I’m at the beginning, and there’s a long way to go.
Yes I’ve achieved much, I can be so connected to nature, that animals carry on what they are doing, like I’m just not there. Yes I can feel in my heart what it feels like for a bird to fly, or a cloud to drift across the sky.
No I don’t know how to be human. It’s so hard, how can I feel so connected, and yet so alone?

Yes I can look from outside into the craziness that is human life, and see how beautiful it is. I see it as so beautiful, it moves me to tears.
No I don’t know how to be a part of it, and not be crazy myself. I am a part of humanity, I am living here in a human body. How do I live knowing, that when someone somewhere rapes or murders another living being, that that is also me?
Yes I love being human, I can create beautiful loving things and share them with others. I can connect with what I call my soul friends, and the heart of all, and feel so heart conscious it’s totally amazing. I have no words to describe it.
No I don’t know how to share that with others, and I want to share it so much. I believe, we all have soul friends, we all have beautiful hearts, we can all live in a heart conscious world. A place where everyone cares and respects all life, and all things, and shows it.
I am only just learning what being human really is. I am learning to just be, to consciously be in service to the heart of all.
I find it so difficult to be here in this life, it doesn’t make sense to me. I feel so overwhelmed sometimes that if I was standing on a train platform at that time, I would have trouble not stepping off. And yet I am in love with life.
I don’t know how to be human, it's a journey of discovery for me.
How do I watch those I love suffer and hurt? How do I stand by when animals are being tortured every day, when children are being bullied into submission everywhere I look, when people are hating other people? How do I let my heart break?
I would like to run away, and go live in a cave somewhere and just live in nature. But that’s not what being human is.
So what is it, what does being human mean? I choose to make it mean, being heart conscious. Where we naturally give instead of take, effortlessly supporting all of humanity and our environment.

I am awakening to heart consciousness, will you join me?
At Heart Conscious I share my journey, the guidance I have access to, and my soul expressions, to help myself and others awaken. It is my intention to use the profits to create Heart Spaces, where we can safely discover, grow and share what really matters to us.
Thank you so much for sharing, its beautiful. And thank you for being you. There was so much that you said that made me understand my own feelings....my feelings of being in a world which I do not belong. Totally get the bit about being on a train platform - I feel that way 99% of the time. Thank you again ❤️
I feel your heart will be reaching out and touching many people to come ❤️
Beautiful ❤️